My Drive in Life encourages people of various ages, cultures, backgrounds and countries to learn from oneself, each other and from life.
Developed through research on motivation in one of the slums of Nairobi, Kenya. Part of the revenue will benefit the Vizazi Foundation,which supports training programs for the children and youth in Mathare.
We believe in the importance that people – regardless of their circumstances and location in the world – raise awareness as to how they approach life and how we can always choose to connect with your own space and possibilities. The My Drive in Life method guides this process of realization in a unique way.
From a young age Nelleke Nijhuis was curious about the people and life around her: what drives them, how do they cope with life and what can we learn from that?
Several years ago in a slum in Kenya, Nelleke studied the motivational resources needed in order to have a positive outlook on life. This derived inspiring stories that were then bundled by Nelleke in the My Drive in Life book. As a result, the My Drive in Life method was developed.
The My Drive in Life community is a group of creative people with different professional backgrounds and careers, such as photography, editing, design, teaching and social work. These professionals are involved with My Drive in Life and share the passion of working with other people.
‘My Drive in Life’ has proved to be an invaluable asset to the minor programme ‘Crossing Borders in Social Work’ of the Faculty of Human & Society (Academie Mens & Maatschappij). Nelleke for sure knows how to convey her My Drive in Life method by making it tangible for students. She is very authentic and approachable. She has the ability to make use of group dynamics to involve the group as a whole in such a way everyone feels good naturally. Her workshop has an interactive effect on students and works not only as an ice breaker for groups but is also provoking for individual students discovering their own “Drive in Life”. She can easily adopt this method for various target audiences and intents. I can totally recommend her!”
José Beckmann – Opleider, Saxion Enschede
“In today’s society where degrees, certificates and performance are highly ranked in order to be successful in life, to climb the ladder of success, to be autonomous, My Drive in Life seeks to counterbalance this by focusing on the single most important instrument we have in our private lives, our work lives and our relationships with others: our Self”
Drs. Jeanet de Jong – Docent, Avans Hogeschool
Morning or afternoon ± 3,5 hours
=>Suitable for (social) organizations
As an ice breaker for new groups
To inspire & motivate existing groups
Team building with a focus on ‘drive’
This interactive workshop is an introduction to the My Drive in Life method. The background, intention and ambition of My Drive in Life will be shared through an inspiring lecture. Subsequently the group will get acquainted with the nine motivation resources which are rooted in the training method. These resources are: environment, role models, personal leadership, negative experiences, ubuntu, purpose, media, past and future. Which experiences and resources inspire you nowadays? What drives you? Get to know yourself and others by means of these motivational resources.
6 sessions of 2 hours each
=>Suitable for individuals looking for personal growth and (social) organizations.
In this complete training you will gain lessons from your life, but also from others around you. You will gain insight in the value of the resources you can always resort to. Enhance your self-confidence, learn to put things in perspective and have faith. Through the learning pathway of My Drive in Life you will develop useful skills which will prove to be useful throughout the rest of your life.
Introduce yourself to the nine motivational resources that are at the heart of My Drive in Life. These resources are: environment, role models, negative experiences, personal leadership, media, purpose, ubuntu, past and future. What do these resources mean to you personally? Get to know yourself and others in this inspiring and encouraging way.
4 training days + 3 evaluation & inspiration days
=>Suitable for teachers and trainers who are experienced in working with groups and are eager to learn about people’s life experiences.
Learn to work with the My Drive in Life method as to facilitate awareness of the motivational resources. Introduce yourself to the background and vision of My Drive in Life and develop skills in order to facilitate the training – full of confidence.
The My Drive in Life book is a collection of life experiences of young people from Mathare, an informal settlement in Nairobi. These youngsters found a way to stay positive, despite the challenges and obstacles they face in life. In this book they explain how they are motivated through nine inner motivational recources. These recources are the foundation of the My Drive in Life training.
We are curious about what we can do for you. Would you like to receive more information or do you have questions? Feel free to contact us.